
Redefining City maps

Paris - Grey | Montpellier - Orange | LeHavre - Purple | Berlin - Red
Pictures are taken from http://umbrellabeast.posterous.com/


Malmö's skyline changed yesterday

The Ferris Wheel in Folkets Park, Malmö was deconstructed during last week and now Malmös modest skyline has one less peak.

Cartography Morphology Topology Workshop 4th step | Finished Project

[Text presentation will be provided shortly]


Cartography Morphology Topology Workshop 3rd step | re-make by hand

100x100 cm

Cartography Morphology Topology Workshop 3rd step

The drawings have been sorted out. Some have been thrown away and some have been scaled and rotated to create a composition. This composition is placed on the map but as a new layer. The fact (or should I say paradox) that it is not a part of the map, is very important!


Cartography Morphology Topology Workshop 2nd step

I'm currently in the middle of a cartoraphy workshop where a cut out of Tokyo is to be examined and reinvented. Not in a classic city planning way. Actually this is pretty damn far from city planning.

We are starting with an close examination of the area in Google Earth, where "interesting" transformations are of great interest. These are in the next step redrawn, by finding the characteristics in each element and/or shape.

Cartography Morphology Topology Workshop 1st step


Pulkhova | Leningrad

Photographer: Howard Sochurek (1959)


Claude Parent

Architectural innovation (for its time). See this interesting article regarding his exhibition at la cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine in Paris (spring 2010). It was while visiting this exhibition I first got to know about Parent.


Zaha's early bridge additions

Since my last project was revolving around adding structures to existing bridges, I wanted to share with you some of Zaha Hadid's early work, regarding the same topic (only 34 years earlier), in her projects Museum of the 19th Century, London, 1977/78 and Malevich's Tektonik, London, 1976/77.

See her later bridge alterations, in the Habitable Bridge Over the River Thames (1996) by clicking the link.

Scans are taken from: Pamphlet Architecture 1-10
ISBN-10: 1568981260
ISBN-13: 978-1568981260


City of Cranes

I love cranes and I think that they are the ultimate combination of form and function.
Watch this video and you'll see what I mean.